put in

pʊt ɪn


1 عمومی:: مداخله‌ كردن‌، كنار امدن‌ با، تقاضا كردن‌، رساندن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: Phrase(s): put in some place to dock [a vessel] temporarily some place. • The ship put in at Bridgetown, Barbados, for repairs. • We will put in at Honolulu for a few hours., Phrase(s): put someone in(side) (something) to place or insert someone inside something. • The sheriff put Roger inside the cell and locked the door. • He opened the cell door and put Roger in., Phrase(s): put something in to submit something, such as an order, request, or demand. • In fact, I put the order in some time ago. • I put in a request for a new monitor., Phrase(s): put something in((side) someone or something) to place or insert something inside someone or something. • The surgeon put a tube inside Chuck and left it there to drain fluid. • While you have the closet door open, will you put this in?, Phrase(s): put someone in Go to put someone into power., Phrase(s): put someone or something in Go to put someone or something into something.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

2 general:: Make a formal offer of, as in a court of law. For example, He put in a plea of not guilty. [Mid-1400s] 1. Interpose, interject; see PUT IN A GOOD WORD; PUT ONE'S OAR IN. 3. Spend time at a location or job, as in He put in three years at hard labor, or She put in eight hours a day at her desk. [Mid-1800s] 4. Plant, as in We put in thirty new trees. [Early 1800s] 5. Enter a port or harbor, as in The yacht will put in here for the night. [Early 1600s] 6. put in for. Request or apply for something, as in I put in for a raise, or John put in for department supervisor. [c. 1600] 2.

American Heritage Idioms

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